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Home of the unique, incredible, undefeated, yet to be challenged:



elevating blogging to a contact sport





Musicians and Band members here for counseling, please: do not encourage, feed, or otherwise enrage the bloggers or their fans. Until your performances generate enough income, we must share our facilities with winners. If you are cornered by a blog  demanding to know your position, tossed about by zealous fans looking for the blogpit, or simply caught up in a shakedown for your lunch money - avert your eyes, try not to cry irrelevantly, and when free use any  handy nearby courtesy ATM to replenish your wallet with the necessary counseling and arena exit fees you owe.






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     THE BLOGGERS       in order of appearance


(what it is only fair to tell you)


a REAL musician and part time state bar-fly Miguelito's clever wit and eloquence all too often leaves his opponent far behind, mouth agape



best know as lead guitarist extraordinaire of streetdog fame SEAN will pummel non-believers until they beg for mercy



if streetdogs are lost souls,  Bob is their Shepard. His reconciliatory magic can end brutal meat scrap squabbles and his analytical powers can slice and dice any average blogger's offering

atmospheric physicist


He has a wisdom that turns jibber into jabber. Does he have the Yak to topple Sean?



product of the streets of New York  he's seen it all  -  but, did he take pictures?



tall, gritty, mysterious, a powerful presence, usually given a wide berth by those all too familiar with his erratic and often dangerous behaviors, nonetheless he is loved by all

incredibly handsome


Are democrats and lying-ass fucking Republicans really just the same thing, other side?

this blog is off the clock but still active


We ask that you remain quiet after entering the match.

Loud expressions of approval for ZIPHLER of course excepted


Day 1  2006 01:57
FW: World History - As it Really Happened
Hey guys,
My conservative Republican, very Catholic, French Canadian, but otherwise close personal friend, Mr. X, sent me this to irritate me! So you can read my reply below, the bastard!

Day 0  2006 7:20 AM
Subject: World History - As it Really Happened
Worth a laugh
World  History - As it Really Happened
Humans originally existed as members of small bands of nomadic hunters/gatherers. They lived on deer in the mountains during the  summer and would go to the coast and live on fish and lobster in the  winter. The two most important events in all of history were the invention of  beer and the invention of the wheel. The wheel was invented to get man to the beer. These were the foundations of modern civilization and  together were the catalyst for the splitting of humanity into two distinct  subgroups  Liberals and Conservatives. Once beer was discovered, it required grooooain and that was the beginning  of agriculture. Neither the glass bottle nor aluminum can were invented yet, so while our early humans were sitting around waiting for them to be   invented, they just stayed close to the brewery. That's how villages    were  formed.  Some men spent their days tracking and killing animals to B-B-Q at  night while they were drinking beer. This was the beginning of what is  known as the Conservative movement.  Other men who were weaker and less skilled at hunting learned to live  off the conservatives by showing up for the nightly B-B-Q's and doing  the  sewing, fetching and hair dressing. This was the beginning of the   Liberal movement. Some of these liberal men eventually evolved into women. The rest became known as girliemen. Some noteworthy liberal achievements include the domestication  of  cats, the invention of group therapy and group hugs and the concept of  Democratic voting to decide how to divide the meat and beer that  conservatives provided. Over the years  conservatives came to be symbolized by the largest,  most powerful land animal  on earth, the elephant. Liberals are symbolized by the jackass.  Modern liberals like imported beer (with lime added), but most prefer  white wine or  imported bottled water. They eat raw fish but like their beef well done.  Sushi, tofu, and French food are standard liberal fare.  Another interesting revolutionary side note: most of their women have  higher testosterone levels than their men.  Most social workers,  personal injury attorneys, journalists, dreamers in  Hollywood and group   therapists are liberals. Liberals invented the designated hitter rule  because it wasn't fair to make the pitcher also  bat .Conservatives drink domestic beer. They eat red meat and still   provide for their women. Conservatives are big-game hunters, rodeo  cowboys, lumberjacks, construction workers, firemen, medical doctors,  police officers, corporate executives, athletes, Marines, and generally  anyone who works productively.  Conservatives who own companies hire other  conservatives who want  to work for a living. Liberals produce little or nothing. They like to govern the producers  and decide what to do with the production. Liberals believe Europeans are more enlightened than Americans.  That is why most of the liberals remained in Europe when conservatives  were coming to America. They crept in after the Wild West was tamed and created a business of trying to get MORE for nothing.  Here ends today's lesson in world history: It should be noted that a   Liberal may have a momentary urge to angrily respond to the above before forwarding it.  A Conservative will simply laugh and be so convinced of the absolute   truth of this history that it will be  forwarded immediately to other true believers. And to more liberals just to piss them off.

Day 01 
RE: World History - As it Really Happened

Dear Mr. X,


The historical synopsis entitled "World History - As It Really Happened" starts out quite well, showing surprising insight for a bone-headed, pussy-whipped conservative like the author obviously is, hiding behind his macho bravado, dandy-boy rodeo peacock persona, or is that pee-wee cock persona It then, the synopsis makes three errors, one major and fatal error, and two minor yet very telling errors. Three strikes and you're out, Mr. Whining Conservative Trying To Re-Write History! The major error? Notice that the synopsis CONVENIENTLY leaves out the single most important fact of the whole history of beer and the wheel. You see, before the split ever happened, WE LIBERAL INTELLECTUALS, men of wisdom and science, INVENTED the wheel AND the beer!! That's why the split happened! WE had to protect the beer from the idiot conservatives who would roll the wheel right over the beer and fuck it all up! True enough, my friend! While conservative JOE COFFEE Cups were hanging around OUTSIDE the brewery, mindlessly listening to wind-bag talk-radio hosts, grumbling like the lost little-boys-needing-toys they really are, and salivating for more beer . . . . . . WE LIBERAL INTELLECTUALS were INSIDE the brewery, working to PERFECT the beer AND the wheel to deliver it!! Of course conservative JOE COFFEE CUP was productive in his 40-hour week! We liberal intellectuals bravely fought corporate greed to provide an easy 40-hour week structure to JOE. But JOE has never been sharp enough to understand that we liberal intellectuals were working much harder than he ever could, being far more productive than he knew how to be, performing all the same duties as the conservatives (going to church, raising families, and taking care of business) while ALSO providing the science and technology to make the beer! And alas, the selfish conservatives' egos further separated their limited minds from true wisdom ,from meaningful insight, and from the simple humanity needed to get along with other tribes of the world . . .  So conservatives invented war to try and get more tasteless, addictive "black beer," to feed their pee-wee-compensating toys that they so desperately needed. Little did they realize that they fed their blunt egos even more, blind to war's wasted time and money and shattered innocent lives, callously dismissed as COLLATERAL DAMAGE.   Which brings me to the first minor error in the synopsis: medical doctors have always been LIBERAL INTELLECTUALS! They're the ones who had to administer care to the poor victims of the conservative wars! And let's not forget the second minor error. We LIBERAL INTELLECTUALS in Hollywood got all the beautiful women! We keep 'em here and charge you conservatives money just to see a two-dimensional projection of 'em! We got the brains, and the beauty! And you conservatives are just as mad as hell over that. But we're nice to you; we left you women of good heart. If only you were man enough to hear her beating. But you weren't, so ya had to get nasty and fuck it all up again . . .   We liberal intellectuals will now take back leadership of the US tribe. We have been working very hard, understanding ecology, economics, and energy  flow, and fucking all those beautiful women(!). Meanwhile, you conservatives hung yourselves with too much military rope, purchased with debt-fueled Chinese dollars, and pissed off the rest of the world. You see, although its true that conservatives dutifully drink beer and work hard for a living, their enormous egos have shrunken their already diminutive brains even further! Hence, the last conservative war partiers had their eyes swelled-shut with flag-waving pride, while they drove drunk and blind through the international arena, in gas-guzzling Hummers, searching to secure rights to the tasteless, additive "black beer." They were careless of humanity, carelessly killing thousands of innocents. Far too many completely innocent women and children died from conservative cluster fucks. That's wrong. That's just plain old wrong. WE ALL KNOW IT WAS WRONG!!! Even the god-fearing, Jesus-exploiting conservatives know it was wrong . . .Ando the wisdom we liberal intellectuals shall now clean up the mess the conservatives left behind. Such is our lot; we've done it many times before, while still finding time to enjoy the beautiful women who love us So the conservatives have just started to admit they're lost. That last glimpse in the mirror revealed just and stand by us!a little bit too much truth . .Finally, you conservatives are ready to listen of the BREWMASTERS . . .

(. . in a Prius!  lol ) 


Your buddy  always,  Mr X.


Day 01  2006 03:02

Psst. HEY MEESTER X.  How much for your son?  The boy,  how much?


Day 11   2006 07:34

Your response was a tasty classic, a brilliant exposition. Right arm! Go easy on your friend though. As a conservative catholic, he is a fish out of water, being from a liberal country (Canadian) and since in my opinion, Catholicism is among the most liberal of the orthodox Christian sects (as opposed to evangical bible-literalists sects). I also hope you're right about the liberals taking back the US. I can't entertain that hope otherwise I would despair even more than when Gore and Kerry lost..



-Day 3, 2006 14:13
Re:  World History - As it Really Happened
Bula Guys!
I am currently on the most remote island I have ever been on--a small eco resort on Kadavu island in the Fiji group.  There are no roads, no telephones and no internet--except for sporadic satellite connection.  The closest village is a 45 minute walk through the jungle and has 40 modest homes, more like huts, perhaps a population of 80.  The resort has a snall library.  Last night I was horrified to find in that library one of Rush Limbaugh's books.  Please tell me-- how do I get away from this evil stuff?  I return to "civilzation" Saturday, probably won't have aceess to the internet again until then.  Nice response, Bob!

Miguelito, vegetarian, Europe-loving, quiche and tofu eating, democratic,  spiritual, peace-loving, and proud girlie man
p.s.  Your asshole friend is both French AND Canadian fer chrissakes!  Two suspect classes!  Rub that in his girlie man face!

He's a good opponent for you Bob!

Day5 2006 23:21
RE: president

You're right, Sean. He's too good. I lost. I hate to lose!  If only the silver-tongued Mike could help me, but he's lost too, in some internet-free jungle zone. Take care and have a good weekend, Dear Friends!

Bob K.


Did you hear Senator James Imhof of Okalahoma says that there is no global warming? What do you think ofthat?

Day5 2006 23:21
RE: president


Well, I'd say Imhof has about a 1% chance of being right if he's referring to anthropogenic CO2 NOT causing the observed warming.

Well, I'd say Imhof has about a 1% chance of being right if he's referring to anthropogenic CO2 NOT causing the observed warming. If he's disputing the observed warming itself, he's a little bit wrong. The odds of no warming in the 20th century (including first five years of 21st century) are just too small now. We were 95% certain in 1998, and by 2006, with another warmest year on record and the trend continuing in general, it's clear that the earth is getting warmer, with a 99% chance it's getting warmer due to anthropogenic CO2.

Still scientists have been wrong before. But don't bet on it!! We should play it safe and take action now!! We'll only save $$ on fossil fuel if we do!! And gain more energy independence! Arnold Schwarzenegger is doing a good job with the Green house gas initiatives. Too bad Bush still doesn't get it. 

Recall that Imhof was the Republican early in Bush's first term that accused environmental scientists of ripping off the public, exaggerating claims of global warming to get more federal research dollars. He got nasty and personal against what I consider to be a bunch of principled 'monks.' Imhof is a loose cannon, and somewhat of a jerk. 

Bob K.




 S O L A R  P L E A


Words and Music by Robert Keislar

Vocals  - Robert Keislar, Ziphler

Guitars - Arthur Thompson, Sean Kennedy, Robert Keislar

Bass    - Ziphler

Drums   - Justin Hess


Recorded at:

Bear West  Studios

San Francisco, California






 No Bob, he didn't win. What you are engaged in with your friend is an "ego battle" expressing itself in political discourse. We do the same here only we use the "God debate" discourse.  As such, there isn't really a winner or loser, just a battle of egos playing itself out wrapped in political stances and ideas. Do not be fooled that this is really a search for the truth. On some levels it may be and some truth relative to the individual's perspective may be uncovered, but basically we argue to reinforce our own ideas because of our own inward lack of confidence in them. (Please note: Even this too may be an over-generalization but there is a lot of truth to it.)

Day6 2006 23:21
RE: president
Thanks, Sean.
I guess it feels like he won the ego battle!
But really, what can we do with these terrorists? We are so f---ing stuck inIraq now, it makes me sick to my stomach. What an unwise policy by George Jr! But it's too late! It's like we have to re-institute the draft, go in there with 300-400 thousand more US troops, and sterilize the place of terrorists. Sealk the borders, go house to house, and just flush out the suicidal types so we can shoot them before they strap on the bomb pack and mingle with the innocents.
There's no political will for that.
War is hell. If you're going to start a war, you turn all the country's knobs to "VICTORY" like we did in WWII, so you can fight your way through hell before too many extra demons get on board. That's how you win wars, not by proxy through a volunteer military of largely lower class people fighting "on TV" while the rest of the country safely watches at home. We're so stuck in Iraq, I'm afraid Satan himself is going drive the Hummer over the cliff before we can stop the suicide bombers.
Bob K.


day07  2006


I almost cried when I saw your strange assessment delivered with such finality. What a remarkable capacity humans have for self doubt and what a profound power it has to return even those in the throes of their most brilliant epiphanies to the inertial path  that mom and pop hemmed us to with righteous assuredness and cursed wisdom to justify their imposition upon us while their own momentum delivered them with excruciating deliberateness into the foreboding darkness of their  own perceived worthlessness.

 It is far more useful to recognize the effective insightful things we do than to study our mistakes for this very reason. I was ready to place a hex on Sean with his no winners and losers just egos battling stuff because the left isn’t the same as the right. You cannot afford to accept that you and your friend are simply two sides of a coin lest you lose sight of the struggle we are vitally engaged in  to maintain some illumination. Sean I think, misses the point  a little further with his wisdom not to be fooled that we are searching for the truth. What Sean is stumbling around and what you are afraid to take ownership of  is the simple reality that you are the truth, you see it, you assess it, you speak it, because it seems to you to be the only un-pointless thing to do.  Camouflaging raw greed, and cowardice with phony intellectual thought, your bud,  Mr. Hebert.  is just another remake of “The Emperor’s New Clothes”. 

You Bob, embody the truth. Your pal imposes his brute and purposeful ignorance upon the obvious with a studied avoidance of empathy. Hear it, see it, say it, and he becomes a  soldier in the righteous cause of uniformity and dedication to eliminating anything odd or just a little too spontaneous.  

Bob, you trounced the cretin and this is no time to start giving legitimacy to these lying republican sons of bitches because we get a notion that acceptance of a false reality should be given merit out of courtesy. People love to say that things are a matter of opinion  .  .   .  yeah, there is one correct opinion and all the other ones, and those other ones are not deserving of equal time but rather must be targeted and illuminated until everyone can see the little worms squirm.

I read in a porn magazine that to be a good writer requires two things. The ability to push a noun with a vowel, and the discipline to dedicate and focus time and energy on actually writing and completing a work.  After years of sitting around telling myself that I should write a book I’m suddenly realizing that one of us ought to write a book, and damn Bob, none of us has ever attained near the follow thru that you take for granted.

So, write, don’t doubt.  You too, Miguelito.  Sean, eh  .  .   .   .  .you’re just going to have to guide the human race with your subtle simple sizzling heartfelt and truthful guitar solos.

My friend Paul, in Phoenix read the blog and sends this: 


There was, early in the blogging, a reference to "Bobism."

I Believe.

Many years ago it came to myself and a fellow seeker.  So clearly,

it was as if

part of the veil itself.

It said:


BOB is my way,


Jesus is my hope,


Jesus is my BOB Hope.


That part was plain enough that even I understood.

But the follow up . . . .


God of Earth,


Earth of Man,


Jesus in a frying pan.




And I found this in the betty bowers website that one of you sent us too:




Landover Baptist Academy for the Saved


CLASS:  History of Liberals Ruining America

DIRECTIONS: This is a three-part test concerning the Founding Fathers of this Christian country who are currently being lapped by the relentless flames of Hell for saying things that offend this country's more particular Christians.


put the right quote with the right founding pothead

1. "Whenever we read the obscene stories [of the Bible], the voluptuous debaucheries, the cruel and torturous executions, the unrelenting vindictiveness with which more than half the Bible is filled, it would be more consistent that we call it the word of a demon than the Word of God."













2. "The day will come when the mystical generation of Jesus, by the supreme being as his father in the womb of a virgin, will be classed with the fable of the generation of Minerva in the brain of Jupiter."













3. "The United States of America should have a foundation free from the influence of clergy."













4. "As to Jesus of Nazareth, my Opinion of whom you particularly desire, I think the System of Morals and his Religion...has received various corrupting Changes, and I have, with most of the present dissenters in England, some doubts as to his Divinity."



















5. "During almost fifteen centuries has the legal establishment of Christianity been on trial. What have been its fruits? More or less in all places, pride and indolence in the Clergy, ignorance and servility in the laity, in both, superstition, bigotry and persecution."













6. "The government of the United States is not in any sense founded on the Christian religion."













ANSWERS:  1 (Paine); 2 (Jefferson); 3 (Washington); 4 (Franklin); 5 (Madison);  6 (are you so hopped up on Ritalin you don't realize there is only one letter left?)



I must call you on this one Z regardless of the interesting prose. Style is important but content is even more important. While it may be yours, Bob's, Miguelito's writing style is better, I know my content blows your out of the water. I know its an arrogant thing to say, but I can't help it. While you and I can agree that Mr. Herbert has a perverted sense of the truth, how is that any different from the terrorists or I dare say the liberals who also have their own version?

Your arguments only work if there is an objective truth and reality to WHICH YOU DON'T SUBSCRIBE!!! (A tangent: Have you ever heard of the natural law (moral law) which is observed by 99% of homo sapiens. That is the objective truth and reality.

In fact, it is only your opinion that your version of truth is correct 100%. So now we can go round and round arguing whose "opinion" is correct or more correct, and none of us possesses the truth. Unless you believe in objective reality. THAT'S WHERE WE ARE Z! Do you believe in objective reality! If you say no, you're fucked because then any reality/truth will do! It doesn't matter if its Hitler, 79 virgins, or love peace and dope, cause then they're all the same. If you say yes, then one reality has to be/work for all. And guess what Dan, I'll let you in on a little known secret (evidently not many people know this). Ego and pride are very real and figure hugely in 75% of our decisions (wrong ones) and what we do. That is one of the main problems with the fallen human condition. (Yes, I used the word fallen-imagine that. Eat that baby!)

Are you really serious that Bob and Mr. Herbert's dialogue was anything more that a pissing match? Surely you jest, lest I will have to lower my opinion of your formidable reasoning processes! And the idea that Bob had self-doubt because he had been pummeled by authority figures in an earlier life was ....what's the word...ludicrous!

I believe, and I could be wrong, that Bob might have been sensing the futility of such argumentation. Mind you, not futility in expressing the truth, but futility in trying to match the arrogance of his friend (even as I am trying to match yours). And rightly so! It's a huge FUCKING waste of time!!!! Bob thought he lost the truth battle!?? NO. HE THOUGHT HE LOST THE EGO BATTLE!!! But who the fuck gives a damn about the ego battle-"perception of one-upmanship".

Well, Bob evidently. Was the truth changed one iota?     FUCKING NO!!! 

You guys are funny-can't see the trees through the forest. I rest my case. Excuse my expletives and rants, but it was fun getting it out. I await your response blasts. I have to go...soccer game, party, etc....



A most refreshing and perceptive rant.  It rings a lot truer than the polite, pious religious lectures you tend to give.  Right on!


 p.s. I'm back in the USSSSSSA!  Oz and Fiji rock!





And you are the one who is supposed to have found meaning in life. On the one hand you say we are all fallen as if there were some kind of perfection, and are driven by ego and pride [if only it were true - there would be a perfect universe, filled only with Dans] which are both excellent motivators however I think you use these terms, like many do, to describe selfishness, conceit, and self righteousness. About the writing style I was just playin' with you as Sam would say. I don't care about style and as for content; you can't blow the truth out of anywhere sonny. Actually, the only thing that stands out from our recent dialog is that you don't employ a spell and grammar checker. Miguelito is probably a self contained walking talking spell and grammar checker so no comments from the PEEWEE gallery please.  

I was trying to obliquely point out what I hope we can all agree upon, which is that we actually communicate with music, at least those who have the knack, and you Sean have conveyed a simplicity and beauty thru your guitar that captured my soul long ago. That is how I know you. There are extremely talented musicians who convey really wretched, even painful emotions that I can't stand and yes, like with any other skill or talent, there are musicians who use their abilities to lie and deceive. Mostly, in these sadly zany times, there are musicians who have absolutely nothing to say and just like most Americans, are consumed with self-preservation and protecting their nail polish. 

You, me, and Miguelito [and Bob Hsueh] literally lived within 30 feet of each other during the 71-72 school year. You played your tinny little electric guitar thru my wall, morning, noon, and night, (and smoked a shit-load of pot). Miguelito spun "bye bye miss American pie" at high volume 400 times in one quarter and I retreated to Bob H's room and played Hearts with Bob Amador and Al Wilcox while we listened to the Grateful Dead at Harding theater (and smoked a shit-load of pot), recorded on two reels of tape in November and mailed to me for xmas by my big brother. We had little to say to each other until I returned to Isla Vista in 1975 and mentioned that I had been messing around on bass when we ran into each other at the top of the loop. You made it very easy for me. You knew a guy with a drum set (Billy Reidel?) who also had some other equipment like a Gibson SB bass (what a piece of shit that was) and amp just a block from my house. We played moondance for hours and meticulously worked out your dinosaursong. Before I knew it, Doughton was there too. I have tapes to prove it. I distinctly remember the three of us discussing what a Bad drummer Billy was (and smoking a shit-load of pot) but he was providing the space and 80% of the equipment. 

You called all the shots back then. My already perfect life was just getting better and better now that I was topping off every day with 4 or 5 hours of loud jamming. I had no interest in politics or organization. I suppose you'd been working the Isla Vista circuit for a few years by then. It astounds me how little thought I gave to how things happened around me back then. Somehow the miracles kept happening, Like with Reidel. No sooner were we having that discussion when BAM! Billy was gone but we still had all of his equipment (including the drum set).  

I have no idea what you did with Miguelito. One day I looked up from a bong hit and there was an Indian guy named Floyd wearing a cowboy hat and warbling dead tunes which were easy for me to learn cause I'd been to about 60 Dead shows between 69 and then. I wonder if Mike didn't just graduate like when one was supposed to if one started in 1971. I do remember thinking of him as a real musician and a part of the Isla Vista elite. He  actually had some structure and even arrangements. You though were the bong king, more my kind of hero, and you played the guitar like a babbling brook. No irritating bridges to stumble over, no talk, just bongs and then hours of wandering scales. Occasionally Floyd would knock us out of the clouds and we'd come to earth long enough to run a couple of Merle Haggard verses but then we'd take off again. 

I don't think we ever agreed on anything but I don't believe we ever exchanged enough words to really even determine our irrelevant relative differences. I believe I know you and Justin better than anyone else (throwing out family here and those few souls with whom I've had immediate perfect sex - I just don't know how to factor them into this one) on the planet. You may be more enlightened than 99.9% of the Catholics on the planet, you certainly have a better grasp on things than any of the Popes ever did - but sorry Charlie - all that catholic gibberish and simple minded overlay providing upper level management of this truly wondrous and insanely complex infinite universe is just bizarre and more importantly, belies the true knowledge of you that I'm stuck with. Believe me, your words would not have held my attention for 20 seconds. As thoughtful as you are in your attempts to reconcile WHAT SOMEONE ELSE HAS TOLD YOU IN WORDS with what you know in your heart, you're still just spewing other peoples sentences. 

Does anyone in this room not get that it was the development of vocal cords and articulating tongues lips and teeth that has brought our little paradise to its knees? There was no way to falsify facts prior to this. You could hide, lay in wait, or distract attention but there was no way to pass on false or fantastic information. All you could know was the naked truth of everything. 

So, as I was saying, on the one hand you are falling out of something cause you've been "bad", and you are full of sin yet you find it ludicrous that people may have self doubt. Mind you, I was referring to Bob's single deflating statement about losing. It seems to me that to the extent Bob had any self-esteem issues, and all humans do, it was because of how WE treated him, not his parents. When he came into the picture it was as an experienced rocker into an established band. He brought with him all the structure that we might have had if you hadn't done something with Miguelito. I do not perceive that Bob was ever pummeled by authority figures although they may have coddled him a bit. I think Bob's parents must have been quite remarkable, as were my own, no doubt yours, and that whole "greatest generation". They all got so used to solving everything that was thrown at them that when it came to dying, they assumed they could lick that too; so many didn't die well.  

I'm have to go without having schmoozed you or abused you near enough. Mark Phillips just about died a couple of days ago and may be looking at a liver transplant so I gotta go save a life. The way I'll save Marks life is by showing him a truth that is completely diametric to conventional wisdom. That moment when people stare death in the face is an excellent medium for exposing long unchallenged lies that they had let guide them. 

As for your inane conclusion that there is no difference between one side or the other, this man says it a lot better than me -  and listen to the commentary at the end






There is no point in my adding more fuel to the fire, so I won't comment on the substance of the perpetual Sean-Dan debate. However, I found the Street Dogs history lecture utterly fascinating and thank you for the very kind words.  I would salivate at the opportunity to get a copy of your tapes of any Street Dog jams in which I participated.  Can you do that?

I'm not sure that Sean "did anything with me" to cause me not to join the Street Dogs.  My memory of that time is that it was Sean's gig with a bunch of other guys and I was kind of an outsider who just jammed with the proto-group a number of times before it actually formed and became its own thing.  I never felt that I was really a member of the group.  Also, it had a slightly different vibe than I preferred at the time, not being a radical dead head as much as the other Dogs.  At the same time, I was forming my own band, Wicked Laundry, which never achieved the success that the Street Dogs had.  I very much admired (and was even jealous of) the Street Dogs' success and family vibe.  That was what I always wanted (and still want!) --a FAMILY of successful musicians.  You guys had it, and it was good.  I am honored to have been a small part of its history.  Can you burn a CD of those jams for me? 

Many thanks! 


 p.s.  I don't think I owned a copy of "American Pie" at the time, but everyone else in the dorms apparently did.  So it probably wasn't me playin it.  I guess that means you can finally let go of your anger.
p.p.s.  The very first thing I did after I arrived home last night from Australia/Fiji, despite the humongously debilitating jet lag, was plug in my Les Paul and wail for a few hours!
p.p.s.  The very first thing I did after I arrived home last night from Australia/Fiji, despite the humongously debilitating jet lag, was plug in my Les Paul and wail for a few hours!

Day8 2006 23:21
RE: president

Well, Dan, 

It’s an interesting letter to Sean. Sometimes I use Sean as a sounding board and lash out at Catholicism because it seems to have taken my older sister from me. Before, when she was an Episcopalian, she was more humble, and we could have talks about religion and all. But now that her whole family has gone Catholic, she felt she could dictate if LeeAnn and I could stay at my mother’s house (unwed!) in my mom’s guest bedroom. Now she acts like the High Inquisitor of Hanford, California. It’s really driven a wedge between Helen and me. And LeeAnn has had enough Catholicism to last a life time, what with the all girls’; schools and all. She liked the education; it was great, in fact. But the dogma. It’s the dogma . . . 

Nobody knows the “truth”. Religious people just think they do . . . 

At the same time, Sean is right about “natural law.” But it could have just evolved as human society did. Over 10,000 years of living together can’t be all wasted. We learned some stuff. Religious wisdom has merit. And yes, I think Sean did a good job with the ego battle argument between my friend Ray Hebert and me. By the way, Ray did agree that we are “stuck” in Iraq, and not just staying the course in some macho sense.

 Bob K.



Hey Bob [Adamich] 

This was great! Thanks. I’m going to show it to my AP Environmental Science class tomorrow.


Bob K.

Day 8  2006 10:29
RE: Howling Dogs
Installment 1-history
Thanks Dan for that response. Now we're getting to the  real good stuff. Excellent. I will let is sink in. We actually now have several discussions going on and at many different levels.
Yes Mike and Dan (and Bob who I see has recently entered the fray-but I have yet to open the email), I was just letting off stream. And point in fact, I
don't want it to get too boring, hot and bothered about things that never have a chance in hell of being resolved. But the discussions are fun and interesting.
But rather than address those myriad of issues right now, I agree with Mike in that I too found the IV history captivating, and will therefore jump into that one.
Here's my take  .   .   .    .    .  : see streetdogs history



Due to this sudden touchy feely love fest our contestants have engaged in, the judges are terminating this blog and sending the players over to the history section where they can blather, reminisce, and bond, before being sent to reacquire a taste for blood.


Please stand by as we try to locate new meat for the spectacular battles you've come to expect.


and here we go  .   . 



Sean wrote: Your arguments only work if there is an objective truth and reality to WHICH YOU DON'T SUBSCRIBE!!! (A tangent: Have you ever heard of the natural law (moral law) which is observed by 99% of homo sapiens. That is the objective truth and reality.

Kardinal Keislar wrote: At the same time, Sean is right about “natural law.” But it could have just evolved as human society did. Over 10,000 years of living together can’t be all wasted. We learned some stuff. Religious wisdom has merit. And yes, I think Sean did a good job with the ego battle argument between my friend Ray Hebert and me. By the way, Ray did agree that we are “stuck” in Iraq, and not just staying the course in some macho sense.

I need much clarification on this suspected chaff thrown up by our illustrious guitar players. No, I’ve never heard of natural law but I’ve often suspected that deep within us women have a primal belief in the validity of rules as if they were set by an outside force, whereas; men in their guts do not understand rules and simply follow them to avoid conflict. Hence, some men become scholared in the rules and are great warriors, athletes and even judges but even they don’t really get it. Unlike men, women generally  display very little angst in their decisions when they pass judgment on others.

 As for “moral law”; it is the pursuit of the legislation of morality that makes republicans so truly vile. Bob, you imply that this thing [natural law]exists and actually supplies some validity to religion which, of course, is a  characteristic that religion truly lacks. And Sean, 99%??! Are you sure it isn’t 98.034%? I would love to see a study delineating human beings observation of this “law” I never heard of. You seem to imply that it is all wrapped up with the concept of objectivity. In medicine objectivity and subjectivity are given equal weight hence the pervasive (and irritating) S.O.A.P. note used by a vast majority of doctors when they make entries into the medical record.

 i.e.    S ubjective:    it hurts “down there”

          O bjective:     penis has been severed and is in wife’s hand. Her other hand holds the knife used in the procedure

          A ssessment:  100% amputation of penis

          P lan:              neutralize threat, obtain hemostasis, resuscitate, pain control, recover organ, reimplant

Perhaps I too have gotten tangential but, please sirs, WHAT IS NATURAL LAW?


Yes, I was in the process of tying up some loose ends to which Dan needed clarification. It may take me a while longer since I am taking undo care in drafting it, time having drifted into a busy part of the year. It will be made clear (as mud) all in good time. 

I await with great humility oh exalted one (NOT!)


Oh please not again.  It was so nice when you guys were just sharing music.  Trust me, no one will ever win this "conversation" (i.e., simultaneous monologues), please ABORT.  Before it is too late!!!
--Miguelito                                   p.s.  POKER JAM!



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